Friday, August 21, 2009

A Brief Introduction

Since I've begun blogging I've noticed a trend in christian blogs where they don't really do anything but ramble on about how what they believe must be right because they believe in God and God cannot be questioned... That or they're just constantly saying how wonderful God is and how pointless their life would be without him (or her). Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's essentially Christianity for Christians.

What I hope to do here is facilitate discussions between anyone that has something to say on the the matter. I don't care if you're Christian, Athiest, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or Agnostic... If you have something to say I want to hear it.

So here's essentially how my posts are going to go down. I'm going to come up with a topic that I feel is somewhat interesting to me (and hopefully you). I will then write a brief introduction to the two sides of the coin, or do some defining where needed (basically give you just enough information to jump off of). And then it's up to me and you, my followers, to discuss the topic at hand. However since this is a discussion based blog, you need to remember to comment on things in order to keep it interesting (I mean I can't do all the work here).

It has recently occurred to me that you may be hesitant to join because you have no idea what kinds of topics I may end up posting, so just to give you some insight, I'll give some examples of debates I often have with my friends and in class... Most of them will likely be something I decide to bring up here eventually (but please don't try to discuss them now, this is just meant as an example so you can see what's in store):
What is Faith?
Non-violent Resistance vs. Just-War Theory
Homosexuality and the Bible/Church
Evangelism, what is the best approach?
Was Jesus message more political than spiritual?

-Time Sensitive Portion-
Since it's kind of pointless to start a discussion before anyone is really ready to discuss anything I'm just going to wait until I have somewhere between 10-15 comments on this post of people wanting to join in on my discussions before actually picking a topic to discuss.